Northwest Region  

Student Poster Contest

Deadline September 21st!


Sponsored in part by 

International Honor Society for the Computing Sciences

Do you have undergraduates involved in a research project?

Do you have a research idea that's just been pushed aside because you don't have time?

Would you like to see your undergraduate students excited about learning?


If so, then the upcoming Consortium for Computing in Small Colleges conference can help! The CCSC wants to encourage faculty to involve undergraduates in their research projects. At the upcoming CCSC conference we will have an undergraduate poster/paper competition. Encourage your students to create a poster and present it at the upcoming CCSC-NW conference to be held at Pacific Lutheran University on Friday October 5 and Saturday October 6 this fall. ( See requirements below ) 

If you have talented students that have quality done quality research, consider co-authoring a paper with a student and submitting it to the conference as well. ( See requirements below )


3 $50 awards to the the top three student posters/papers

3 $25 awards to the next three posters/papers.


The best posters / papers will be determined by a vote of the conference attendees and prizes will be awarded at the banquet.


To be elligible for the awards, a student must be the primary author of the poster/paper. Students must have a faculty member as a co-authors for posters / papers.

Any student may submit a poster but must first send the following information

to Laurie Murphy at Pacific Lutheran University ( ).

                  Title of Poster

                  List of authors ( Must include a faculty advisor )

                  Subject of the Poster

                  A paragraph description of the research and the poster contents.

All student papers submitted must go through the standard review process

All papers must be submitted by 3/16/01 to the papers chair Ken Blaha at Pacific Lutheran University ( )






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Copyright © 2001
 Consortium for Computers in Small Colleges - Northwest Region

Last modified: January 08, 2001