Tutorials and Panels

Faculty are invited to submit a proposal for a panel or tutorial on a topic both related to computing sciences and likely to be of interest to attendees. These will be reviewed, although it will not be a blind review. Accepted abstracts will be published in The Journal of Computing Science in Colleges.

All tutorial and panel proposals should be sent by email to Tzu-Yi Chen at


In a panel session 3 or 4 experts (one of whom is the moderator) present their varied perspectives on a specific topic and then discuss those views both amongst themselves and with the audience.

The 2 page proposal should include:

Also please note which panelist will be the moderator.


In a tutorial one or more experts give instruction on a topic of interest. This instruction could take the form of a lecture, it could involve using computers (note that we will have access to a room with machines), it could require pen and paper exercises, and so on. Tutorials will be scheduled for a 60-90 minute slot.

The 2 page proposal should include:

Last Updated: Feb 15, 2011 Email webmaster