Calls for Submissions

We are interested in all aspects of computing in colleges. If you teach in a computer-related discipline and it’s of interest to you, it’s of interest to the CCSC:MW community! We welcome original research, experience reports, case studies, and position papers on computing-related topics.

We are accepting submissions in the following categories (Click to expand):

We invite instructors and students to submit papers. Submissions must include an abstract of not more than 300 words. All papers are double-blind peer-reviewed and, if accepted, published in the Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges. An author is required to present any accepted paper.

 The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges is printed and distributed to all CCSC members. The Journal also appears in the ACM Digital Library. Only those works that are presented at the conference will appear in the ACM Digital Library.

Papers may be at most twelve (12) double-spaced pages, with one-inch margins and in a 12-point font. Please ensure that your name and affiliation do not appear in the paper or abstract.

Submissions are due Wednesday, May 8, 2024. (Extended from May 1.)  Papers must be submitted using our on-line submission system (link opens in a new window/tab, register as an AUTHOR if you have not done so previously, then login). Email questions regarding paper submissions to:

Imad Al Saeed ()
CCSC:MW 2024 Conference Papers Chair
Saint Xavier University

Notification of acceptance will be no later than Monday, June 10, 2024
Publication deadline is Monday, July 1, 2024

Panels and tutorials are presented in a 60-90 minute format. Pre- and post-conference workshops provide hands-on experiences in a 2-3 hours format. Abstracts of accepted submissions will be published in the Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges.

Submissions are due Wednesday, May 1, 2024. Please submit by email a 2-page abstract, equipment requirements, and for panels, a list of panelists to:

Cathy Bareiss ()
Panels, Tutorials, & Workshops Chair
Bethel University

Notification of acceptance will be no later than Monday, June 10, 2024.

Publication deadline is Monday, July 8, 2024

Instructors are invited to submit a “nifty” tool or assignment. An abstract of not more than 300 words is required, and accepted submissions will be incorporated into a panel. Early-in for listing in Journal is Saturday, June 1, 2024.  Email abstracts to:

Ahmed Elmagrous ( )
Nifty Tools & Assignments Chair
University of Wisconsin-Stout

Come share your works-in-progress in a short talk format (no more than 10 minutes) with extended Q&A, approximately 20 minutes total. Submissions for inclusion in the Journal for Computing Sciences in Colleges (abstracts only) are due Saturday, June 1, 2024.

Email a 300-word abstract to:

Ahmed Elmagrous ()
Works-in-Progress Chair
University of Wisconsin-Stout

One of the highlights of the annual CCSC Midwest Conference is the Student Showcase, which is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their best work to faculty and other students from around the region. 

To qualify for submission to the Student Showcase:

  • The entry must be original work of an undergraduate student or team of undergraduates.
  • The work was supervised by one or more faculty members.
  • The work was completed in the last twelve months at one of the colleges within the CCSC Midwest region.
  • The student, or at least one member of the student team, is registered for the CCSC:MW 2023 Conference. (We recommend participating in the Programming Competition as well!)
  • The entry must be received by 11:59PM EDT on TBD.

Interested students will classify their work into one of two categories. The Applications Track is for interesting, novel, or noteworthy applications of computing science. This track is usually selected for work that is best displayed as a demonstration of a working system. The Discovery Track is for projects that contributed new understanding to the body of computing science knowledge. This track is usually selected for work that is displayed on a poster or in a research paper. In either case, projects can be completed individually or as part of a team.

Regardless of track, all work is judged on the same six criteria.  These criteria are adapted from Scholarship Assessed (Glassick et al. 1997) and provide guidance for evaluating any form of scholarship. Sample reflective questions are provided for each criterion.

  1. Clear Goals: What is the goal of this work? What problem are you solving
  2. Adequate Preparation: How did you get ready to do this work?
  3. Appropriate Methods: How did you solve your problem? Why did you approach the problem this way?
  4. Significant Results: What was the result of this work? Who is affected by this work
  5. Effective Presentation: How well does this poster, demonstration, or presentation communicate what is important about this work?
  6. Reflective Critique: What would you do differently? What does this mean for you and your future?

To submit your work to the CCSC Midwest 2024 Student Showcase, please complete this form.